Well, we are one step closer to the opening of our season and we are hoping it stays on track for training in two weeks at McQueen Park and the first match versus St. Kilda on 21 November.
I want to extend a big thank you to our Secretary, Mark Russell, who is doing a superb job in attending to our COVID-19 requirements, which are most demanding the more one looks into them.
It behoves all players and everyone else associated with our club to be familiar with our COVID-19 Training and Match Protocols as cricket as we have known it is going to be very different in the immediate future.
In a turnaround, it now appears that we will have the use of the Ratepayers Pavilion from our first match and not have to deal with portables. The Main Pavilion is now scheduled to be completed by shortly after Christmas, which means we should have the final 11 matches of the season for use of the change rooms, social room, kitchen, bar etc.
Our membership drive is coming along very well with over $6,000 received already from engaged members, including the Special Purpose Fund through the Australian Sports Foundation. We have a long way to go however to reach our target, and I encourage past players and supporters to join with those already involved to become part of the Camberwell Magpies family.
My personal and the club’s grateful thanks to all those who have so far made a contribution. Member’s names will be posted in our newsletter and on the website by the commencement of the season.
I wish to give a call out to parents, friends, business associates et al. who would like to support a player by taking out a Player Sponsorship, by which an amount of $500 is donated to the club (of which half is then refunded from the player's subs). This can be activated by clicking here.
The player sponsor will become a voting member and enjoy all the benefits of club membership for this category.
That’s all for now and let’s use the coming few weeks to be ready for the season.
Peter Warner
